Oktoberfest 2016 posterOKTOBERFEST!
Saturday, October 15, 2016
5PM – Midnight
Kiwanis Center

Come join us for a night out in Bavaria (a.k.a. Hillsborough)! Start with an authentic Bavarian Oktoberfest dinner by Chefs Rosie Schaller and Oliver Hofer.   We focus on using fresh, local ingredients and products whenever possible.  Our suppliers include AnC Meats from Shepody, Farmer Brown’s in Dawson Settlement and Oliver’s German Bakery in Hillsborough.  Click here to view menu.

Move on to live entertainment, emceed by the energizing and engaging Dan Sinclair from Alma.  We will have live music and dancing, featuring Oktoberfest and contemporary music by The Swell Guys from Halifax. Wear your best lederhosen and dirndls!  There will be contests and prizes for the best costumes, the best yodelers and more.  Did we mention Chicken Dance?  And the stein holding competition is always a popular favourite.  This is our major fundraiser for the year, so please help by joining in the fun and spreading the word. Feel free to forward to all your friends and networks!  Tickets are $40 per person.  Group and corporate tables of 8 or 10 are also available.  Bring your friends and co-workers and have a swell time!

This year, we are also offering a limited number of tickets for dinner only (5PM-8PM) at $30 per person, and for the dance only (8:30PM – midnight) at $10 per person.  Grilled bratwurst will be available for sale after 9:30PM.

For more information, call 506-734-3358 or e-mail [email protected].
Follow our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FoodsOfTheFundyValley.

We’re sorry – the deadline has passed for purchasing tickets.  Thank you for your support, and hope to see you next year!