Join us for our Open Meeting on Saturday, January 17 at the Curryville Community Outreach Center, 786 Albert Mines Road, Curryville, NB E4H 1X9.
We will start at 3:00PM with a showing of the movie, “GMO-OMG,” a film by Jeremy Seifert on GMOs in relationship to his 3 young children and the world around him.
Immediately following the movie, around 5PM, we will start the Open Meeting. Find out about our plans for the new year, and share your thoughts and ideas on what we can/should do. This will be accompanied by a potluck supper, so bring a dish to share.
After the meeting, we will start the Crokinole tournament. Crokinole is a board game that was developed in rural Canada in the 1860s. It is a test of dexterity, with elements of shuffleboard and curling on a tabletop scale. For rules and information, click here. Limber up those fingers, and come join in the fun!